Every time, even a very short,
when we get back to the moment of memories,
We think about the subtext meaning:
"Revolutionary Turn".
What does it mean?
Morality, but to Politics, Turning?
Me, but instead of every You, Substituting?
and every You in/under every Me, Subsuming?
They, but to Them, Transferring?
Oh God
history was turning
What a Glorious,
Oh God
But what a Turn:
In own Home house, Subtenancy;
Millions of warm Hearts to a cool Hand, Transforming;
All with particular faces to One with no face, Shifting;
Future to Now, Changing;
Now instead of Always, Replacing;
Ear instead of Mouth, Instituting;
People to Mob, Becoming;
Reality to Imaginary state, Transforming;
Hope to usual Task,
Task to common Game,
Game to any Action,
Action to occasional repetitively Escape,
Escape to every day bloody Behavior, Turning.
Oh yes,
History was turning, along our Revolutionary Turn.
But I'm sure
It is the Turn we made,
we, just we,
And nobody is responsible,
for this Pax Kiss to Destiny
for this windmill-Turn
for this no heavenly
for this virtual Blessed Sacrament
but ourselves, including prior children who never achieved adult age,
but always were advanced adulthood dramatic reverent dreamers, are
when we get back to the moment of memories,
We think about the subtext meaning:
"Revolutionary Turn".
What does it mean?
Morality, but to Politics, Turning?
Me, but instead of every You, Substituting?
and every You in/under every Me, Subsuming?
They, but to Them, Transferring?
Oh God
history was turning
What a Glorious,
Oh God
But what a Turn:
In own Home house, Subtenancy;
Millions of warm Hearts to a cool Hand, Transforming;
All with particular faces to One with no face, Shifting;
Future to Now, Changing;
Now instead of Always, Replacing;
Ear instead of Mouth, Instituting;
People to Mob, Becoming;
Reality to Imaginary state, Transforming;
Hope to usual Task,
Task to common Game,
Game to any Action,
Action to occasional repetitively Escape,
Escape to every day bloody Behavior, Turning.
Oh yes,
History was turning, along our Revolutionary Turn.
But I'm sure
It is the Turn we made,
we, just we,
And nobody is responsible,
for this Pax Kiss to Destiny
for this windmill-Turn
for this no heavenly
for this virtual Blessed Sacrament
but ourselves, including prior children who never achieved adult age,
but always were advanced adulthood dramatic reverent dreamers, are